

UL+Z-1500+255/14 鋁合金連鑄連軋生產線

UL+Z-1500+255/14 鋁合金連鑄連軋生產線

一、設備用途Application 本設備采用連鑄連軋法工藝生產導電鋁合金桿,生產的桿徑為Ф9.5mm的合金桿。 The CCR line is the process of continuous casting and rolling technique for producing diameter of Φ9.5mm,alloy rod. 二、簡單工藝流程Brief Technological Process 1、工藝流程示意如下 Technical process chart is as follow: 普鋁錠→熔化保溫爐→輪式整體連鑄機→前牽引加輥剪→校直機→感應加熱器→連軋機→滑動式無油收桿系統→合金鋁桿。 Pure aluminum ingot→ Melting and holding furnace→ Wheel continuous casting mill →Front traction machine & Roller shearer→Straightener→Induction heating apparatus→ Continuous rolling mill→Sliding oil-free coiling system→ Alloy aluminum rod 2、 已配好的熔態鋁由保溫爐經過流槽,注入輪帶式連鑄機,連續鑄成面積為約2300mm2的梯形錠。用輥剪剪去廢錠,將其前端壓小,喂入連軋機出桿,經由滑動無油收桿機成捆。 The completed aluminum molten flows through the launder via the holding furnace, pours into the wheel belt type casting mill, which is continuously cast into about 2300mm2 trapezoid shape ingot. The scrapped cast bar is cut off by the roller shearer, and the front end is pressed small, then fed into the rolling mill to output the rod, bundled by the oil-free coiler. 三、主要技術參數Main Technical data 導電鋁合金桿直徑Diameter of the finished rod: Ф9.5mm 生產能力Output: 4.0-5.0 t/h


Type UL+Z-1600+25514合金桿連鑄連軋設備

Aluminium Rod Continuous Casting and Rolling Machine




The CCR line is the process of continuous casting and rolling technique for producing diameter of Φ9.5mmalloy rod.

二、簡單工藝流程Brief Technological Process

1、工藝流程示意如下 Technical process chart is as follow:


Pure aluminum ingot→ Melting and holding furnace→ Wheel continuous casting mill →Front traction machine & Roller shearer→Straightener→Induction heating apparatus→ Continuous rolling mill→Sliding oil-free coiling system→ Alloy aluminum rod


The completed aluminum molten flows through the launder via the holding furnace, pours into the wheel belt type casting mill, which is continuously cast into about 2300mm2 trapezoid shape ingot. The scrapped cast bar is cut off by the roller shearer, and the front end is pressed small, then fed into the rolling mill to output the rod, bundled by the oil-free coiler.


三、主要技術參數Main Technical data

導電鋁合金桿直徑Diameter of the finished rod:      Ф9.5 mm

生產能力Output:                                4.0-5.0 t/h

 各組成部件技術參數Technical parameters for each component

)輪式整體連鑄機Wheel continuous casting mill

1、結晶輪直徑Casting wheel diameter:                 Ф1600 mm

2、結晶輪截面積Cross section of casting wheel:       2300mm2

3、鑄錠面積Cross section of cast bar:                 2300mm2

4、澆鑄速度Casting speed:                                6.9 - 13.8m/min (500-1000rpm)

5、結晶輪轉速Casting wheel speed:                  1.5  - 3.0r/min

6、電動機功率Casting motor power:                  5.5 kw (AC/N=960r/min)

7、冷卻水壓Cooling water pressure:            0.35-0.6Mpa

8、冷卻水量Flow of cooling water:                100t/h (inner 60t/h, external40t/h)

 前牽引加輥剪 Front traction machine & Roller shearer

1、最大剪切力Max. shearing force:          5000kg

2、剪切長度Max. shearing length:            700mm(可調adjustable

3、輥剪電機Shearing motor power:             15KW AC 970r/min

4、減速機Reducer B6X9 減速比reduction ratio:    71


電機功率Motor power          1.5kw/AC1440r/min i=29

(四)感應加熱器Induction heating apparatus


Adopt three-phase power frequency heater to meet rolling temperature of aluminum ingot. The length is 2.2m and the power is about 300Kw.

Y型連軋機 Type Y continuous rolling mill

1、型式兩輥+三輥型Type:                   Two&three-roller

2、出桿直徑Outlet rod diameter:                              Ф 9.5mm

3、機架數No. of stand:                                      14

4、軋輥名義尺寸Nominal size of roller:               Ф255mm

5、相鄰機架傳動比Transmission ratio of the neighbor stands:  1 : 1.25

6、終軋速度Finish rolling speed:                          V=7.2m/smax

7、軋制中心高Rolling center height:                  902.5mm

8、主電機功率Main motor power:                         400kw (DC)

9、齒輪箱潤滑油箱Volume of gear lubrication box:    2 m3

10、乳化液油池Emulsion tank:                    30-50m3 

無油淬火收桿機 Oil-free quenching coiler

1、甩桿電機Swing bar motor:                4KW (AC, 1000r/min)

2、甩桿減速機Swing bar reducer:                 WPWRKO-120   

3、收桿最高速度Max. speed of coiling:           6m/s

4、小車行走電機Trolley traveling motor           3KW

5、小車行走減速機Trolley traveling reducer B4X6減速比reduction ratio  43

四、設備組成及結構特點 Composition and structural features

)連鑄機Continuous casting mill


Wheel type continuous casting mill is made up of ladle, casting wheel, transmission gear device, pinch roller device, steel band oiling unit, bridge approach, tensioning wheel device, external cooling system, chock plug, casting bar-unlock device, steel belt and etc. The bridge approach and the tensioning wheel device are not assembled to the body of casting mill.


Molten aluminum flows into upper ladle from the holding furnace through the launder, the inlet flow to the lower ladle controlled by floating chock plug, and horizontally casts into the cavity mould formed by casting wheel and closed steel band. The cross section of casting wheel is shape M, driven by the AC motor gear box. The inner body of casting wheel equipped with the inner cooling device with 0.5 Mpa cooling water transit. The inner cooling device is separated into 8 sections with nozzles to jet cooling water into the inner side of the casting wheel, the flow controlled by the stop valve. The wheel tension is the pneumatic control. The outer cooling device sprays cooling water onto the steel band of cavity mould, flow controlled by stop valve, assuring the gradual cooling of the molten aluminum and cast into the aluminum casting ingot with temperature of 480520.


The pinch roller device adpresses the steel band on casting wheel to avoid the leak of molten aluminum. The guide wheel controls the move direction of the steel band and length of cavity mould, and the tension of the steel band controlled by tensioning wheel device with constant force. To demould the casting bar easily, the casting mill is equipped with steel band oiling unit. As the whole process is continuous, the longer casting bars can be produced.


With the casting bar-unlock device of the casting wheel, the clotting casting bar passes the bridge approach into the roller shearer. To shear the scrap bar and unqualified casting bar, the qualified casting bar gets into the continuous rolling mill.

前牽引加輥剪機Front traction machine & Roller shearer

鑄坯從澆鑄機引橋進入前牽引機,壓輪壓下將鑄坯往前輸送經過輥剪進入校直機。輥剪機用于剪切不符合軋制及有毛邊鑄錠,最大剪切坯料尺寸為2500mm 2以下(溫度為450-550℃),最大剪切力5000kg

The billet enters into the front traction machine from the approach bridge of the casting machine. The casting billet is conveyed forward by the pressing wheel under the pressure and then enters into the straightening machine after shearing. Shearer is used for shearing ingots that do not conform to rolling and have rough edges. The maximum aluminum casting bar is below 2500mm2(temperature 450~550), and the maximum shearing force is 5000kg,.

(三)主動校直機Active straightener


Five wheel type (two wheels on the top, and three wheels at the bottom, dislocation installation), up and down flip structure, electric drive.

1、主動牽引輪直徑Diameter of active traction wheel     3×φ200mm

2、電機功率Motor power              1.5kw/AC1440r/min i=29

3、壓縮空氣Compressed air          0.5Mpa

(四)感應加熱器Induction heating apparatus

主要技術參數Main technical parameters

1)  額定功率Rated power  300kW

2)  感應器電壓Inductor voltage  700 V

3)  被加熱工件的材質Material of the heated workpiece 鋁合金錠, 鋁錠Aluminum or Alloy ingots

4)  被加熱工件的尺寸Size of the workpiece to be heated    2400mm2

5)  鋁錠通過速度Speed of aluminum ingots         8.5--11m/min

6)  來料溫度Material temperature           400-440

7)  升溫溫度Heating temperature         80-90

8)  生產率Productivity           4.2t/h

9)  冷卻水壓力Cooling water pressure  爐體furnace body 0. 2~0.25 MPa


 The rolling mill is made up of 14 stands, with nominal diameter Ф255mm, 8 odd stands for lower transmission and 7 even stands for upper transmission, arranged alternately with arch/ round system hole pattern. The elastic coupling and main shaft of gear box connect to transmit power by 400KW DC motor of main transmission gear box.  The safety gear couplings locates in gear box and stands, once over loaded, the safety pin will breaks to avoid the accident. In the front and rear of pair of stands, assembled with inlet guide and outlet guide separately, the inlet guides for the odd No. stands are sliding type, and the inlet guides for the even No. stands are rolling type.


1.繞桿電機功率Coiling motor power轉速:     4kw (1000 r/min, frequency control)

2.成圈直徑Diameter of coiling:       Φ1900/Φ800×1000mm

3.成圈收桿直徑Diameter of coiling rod:      Φ9.5mm12.5mm

4.最大收線速度Max coiling speed:       7.2m/s

5.收線容量(凈重)Capacity of coiling:      1.5-2T (NW)

本機采用成圈收線,由傳動部分和收線部分組成。最大收線速7.2m/s,收線速度是由帶減速機交流電機變頻調速來控制。成圈的直徑可從Φ800 mmΦ1900 mm范圍之內調整,成圈高度1000mm。成圈鋁桿均勻地落在收線架上。收線轉速由帶減速器的交流電機變頻調速來調節。慢速繞大圈、快速繞小圈,在收桿車框欄內繞成捆。

The machinery adopts coiling system, which is made up of the transmission part and the take-up part. The maximum coiling speed is 6m/s, frequency controlled by AC motor of reducer. The diameter of coiling can be adjusted from range Φ800 mm to Φ1900 mm, with coiling height 1000mm. The coiling aluminum rod is taken up in rotation disk evenly. The coiling speed is regulated by the AC motor with a speed reducer. Slow speed to form big circle, compared with fast speed to form small circle, and bundled into basket.


Take-up trolley has basket for coiling. With full basket, open the basket door, to remove the aluminum rod, preparing for the next collection. Change basket operation is manual switching.

)潤滑冷卻系統Lubrication cooling system

 1 軋機乳液系統 一套Emulsion system 1 set

1.1.乳液泵(2,1臺備用Emulsion pump:    IS100-80-160Q90 m3/h, H=36m15 kW  

1.2.工作壓力Working pressure:        0.30.5Mpa

1.3.過濾器(1)Filter:                  GLQ-100


Emulsion lubrication system is composed with double pumps system. Emulsion flows via centrifugal pump, filter, into the main pipe of top gear box, lubricating and cooling corresponding positions of gears, rollers for stands, inlet and outlet guides. At last, the emulsion back-flow via reflux tank on the base, and backflow connection to the emulsion pool.

2 軋機油潤滑系統 一 套 Rolling oil lubrication system 1set

2.1.齒輪泵Gear pump(2,1臺備用):       CY-18/0.36-2  5.5 kW 960r.p.m

2.2工作壓力Working pressure:   0.1-0.3Mpa

2.3. 過濾器(1)Filter:    GLQ-80

2.4.油箱Oil tank:       2m3 


Lubrication oil of oil tank flows via filter by oil pump, to the main oil inlet pipe at the rear of gear box. Lubrication oil is transported to gear box in three ways through nozzle of branch oil pipe to lubricate gears and bearings respectively. The oil backflows to the oil tank through pipelines at the bottom of the gear box, which can be used circularly.


五、電氣概況 Overview of electrical system

電氣系統由三相四線380V, 50Hz低壓網絡供電,設備總功率約為600kw,其中主電機400kw,是用西門子全數裝置控制,余下輔機均控制柜供電.

The electrical system is power supplied by three-phase four-wire 380V, 50Hz, low voltage. The total power of the machinery is about 600kw, and the main motor power is 400kw, which is controlled by Siemens full digital device. The other auxiliaries are power supplied by rolling mill control desk.



REAMARK: All photos are for your information, not the final delivery reference.


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